In the vast world there were small creatures called Sutlebs, who were actually mushrooms. Their lives were short, but they possessed a common consciousness that linked all generations, past and present. These creatures lived in a large cave, resigned to their fate, accepting it as inevitable.

However, there was one Sutleb among them, named Oyster, who, since childhood, had believed in ancient legends of the world beyond the cave. These stories told of a land where the sun shone and where life could be different, full of light and freedom. These legends kept him going, fueling the dream that there could be more to existence than just darkness and limited space.

But the other Sutlebs did not share his aspirations. They preferred to stay in a familiar place where everything was predictable and safe. Legends of the sun seemed to them only fairy tales that were not worth believing.

Nevertheless, Oyster couldn't give up on his dream. Realizing that none of his kin would dare to leave the cave, he gathered his courage and set off alone. Leaving behind those who did not dare to change, he began his journey into an uncharted world where perhaps the life he had heard so much about in legends awaited him.

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